Update on Router Vulnerability; Sales Tax on Internet Purchases; Scams

A quick update on the Home/Small business router compromise reported last month. The threat is much more serious, and affects more devices than originally reported. What researchers have found is that the malware that infects routers can also steal passwords, spread malware to other devices on your network, and break your router.

Here are 2 links for your information:

  1. This article by Cisco, suggests you update your router software and then wipe it clean. This process is more complicated than most of our clients will want to undertake on their own, as it will require re-configuring your wireless network if you have changed any of the default settings. If you decide to do this and need help, please let us know. Also, while I think it’s a good idea to update your router and to wipe it clean, I haven’t found any official recommendation from FBI. The article lists the devices that are known to be vulnerable. https://lamorindatechnology.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=59906339194d9866bd4c8e2fd&id=2a9a87ea20&e=e2082426c8
  2. This article is very technical, but does give an excellent detailed description of the malware. Also, at the bottom of the article, there is an updated list of affected devices.



You will likely be paying sales tax on all Internet purchases soon. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that out-of-state retailers can be forced to collect state sales tax. Based upon California’s previous attempts to collect sales tax from these retailers, I predict that we will all be paying sales tax on all Internet purchases soon. Here’s the Now York Times article https://lamorindatechnology.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=59906339194d9866bd4c8e2fd&id=bb8cf87ba3&e=e2082426c8


New scam by postal mail. There’s a new scam that arrives by mail. This scam threatens to reveal a secret you’re hiding, and wants money to keep the secret. Here’s an article about the scam https://lamorindatechnology.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=59906339194d9866bd4c8e2fd&id=b4ac47a76b&e=e2082426c8


Small business resources to protect against scams and improve cybersecurity. The bad guys target small businesses because they often don’t have good security procedures and training.  Here are a couple of resources to assist small business in staying safe.




All the best,
